Auralite – meaning
Auralite is a newly discovered (2007) powerful healing stone found in only one locality in the world. This gemstone contains many different minerals and metals: titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrossite, ajolite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, goethite, pyrrolusite, gold, silver, platinum , nickel, copper, iron, limonite, sphalerite, celite, chalcopyrite, gialite, epidote, bornit and rutile. These metal impurities got into the auralite crystals thanks to the impact of a meteorite at the area of origin.
The core material of this gemstone is a quartz (mostly amethyst) with a number of the mentioned rare impurities, thanks to which this mineral occurs in various colors. Auralite has been identified by scientists as the oldest crystalline gemstone in the world, which formed more than 1.5 billion years ago at the time when the first signs of life appeared on Earth. Every crystal is original, due to the different ratio of impurities.
It is a very rare mineral, which from a metaphysical point of view is due to its complexity considered as one of the most powerful crystals on Earth. Its extremely high vibrations can move a turbulent human mind to a quiet place far away from anxiety and chaos. Auralite helps people in their spiritual evolution and in expanding their consciousness. Due to this and due to the many metaphysical properties, is Auralite also nickanamed as the “Stone of New Consciousness”.
Country of origin: Canada
Element: Earth, Fire, Water, Air
Zodiac signs: Suitable for every zodiac sign.
Bracelet harmonizes all chakras but mainly the Crown chakra:
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